
Production with Peggy Porschen

I was working in London with Peggy Porschen last October and was so delighted by her work, that I invited her to the BRIGITTE studio for a cookie and cake production. See online what was printed in the BRIGITTE issue February 2006.

Peggy set up her own business, making cakes and cookies for all kinds of events, e.g. chocolate Faberge Eggs for Elton John's “White Tie and Tiara Ball”, Stella McCartney's wedding cake as well as cakes for movie premieres with stars like Gwyneth Paltrow and corporate parties for companies in the fashion and music industry.

Peggy is a supplier to Fortnum & Mason who have commissioned her to create some of their seasonal ranges of hand decorated cakes and cookies to adorn their shelves & hampers. She is a regular contributor to various magazines, such as You & Your Wedding, Brides, Wedding Day, Marie Claire, Delicious, and her work has appeared in many more publications in the UK.


Spargelrezepte / variety of asparagus in BRIGITTE

My asparagus recipes have recently been published in BRIGITTE, Germany’s leading womens magazine. Have a look online here.

Spargeltarte mit Ziegenkäse und geriebener Zitrone und andere Leckereien rund um Spargel sind gerade in der Online Ausgabe der BRIGITTE erschienen. Die Produktion stammt aus dem letzten Jahr und enstand in Zusammenarbeit mit Doerthe Schenk. Die schoenen Fotos sind wie meistens von Thomas Neckermann.